Friday, December 24, 2010

Top Five

Reasons Why Winter Break Is (Sometimes) the Worst

5.The old haunts. Coming back home means reliving high school. I can't step outside my front door without running into someone from school and having the most uncomfortable conversation of my life. What's more, most of my former acquaintances work at grocery stores, targets, and other places of necessity that I will have to go to eventually. And then there are those friends who catch wind of your arrival in town and demand a hang out session. And dealing with that is never pretty. Never pretty.

4. Spending all my monies. I stopped buying people christmas presents in an effort to pinch a few pennies. When friends ask me what I want for Christmas, I slowly reach into my pockets and pull the inside fabric out, shake my head and say, "nothing." Don't buy me anything cause I can't buy you anything back. And I'm betting my friends let out a sigh of relief because they were only abiding by the pressures of the obligatory courteousness of holiday-induced gift giving. Phew. But then, then I end up spending that saved money on myself, i.e. bar money,  fancy trips to Disneyland, food and drinks (see #3), etc. Who knew someone could spend so much money in three weeks? And I justify this spending because well you know.. it's the holidays. Give to charities, give to self.

3. Overeaters Anonymous. Most family and friend get-togethers happen in the form of catching up over coffee, baking parties, going out to restaurants, holiday dinners, etc. And with my friends and family, my days are usually overbooked with overeating. Brunch with best friends, quick bite with mom, dinner at the grandparents, meeting up with family friend for coffee and dessert. Rinse and repeat. In fact, I just got back from lunch with my mom... and I'm drinking my "after-meal coffee" --which is my equivalent to the "after-sex cigarette." Every sip washes away my food shame (Yes, all metaphorical substitutes are appropriate to my life.)

2. Having to explain yourself, repeatedly, to family members and older persons. Case in point: visiting with my rather conservative grandfather and  . Three years ago: "How's school? What kind of class is Life in the Sea?? You wouldn't be taking these kinds of silly classes at Harvard." Two years ago: "What kind of living could you seriously make with a Feminism Studies degree?" A few days ago: "Wha? You want to move to New York? I think it would be better stay in school and get your PhD... (Do it or your dead to me)." My plans for the future are always half-assed and don't hold up well in court when grandpa is the judge. Your honor, I'd like present exhibit A, my happiness, to the jury... And then, I have to have this conversation many times with more or less the same result.

1. The illusion of free time. Every winter break for me is like a huge failure. I always have so much planned, whether it is to read a few classics, embark on new projects (scrapbooking paper memories and blogging this year-- so far, I've done a pretty shitty job at each!), organize my stuff, go the gym, try new things, etc... I always, without fail, fail at these goals. They aren't like new years resolutions either--these plans are pretty realistic and tangible. My laziness takes over whatever ambitions I may have. All my free time is spent sleeping, interneting, and watching tv & movies. There is no time for accomplishment or self-improvement. This reason is number one in my book because it is personally tied to my dreams of being a better person. I always look forward to this break because it allows me a chunk of time--of my life-- that isn't dedicated to school or work. I eagerly envision myself exploring, experiencing, and learning about the world and myself...

How was winter break, what did you do? Oh, uh.. it was good. I caught up on a lot of sleep... yeah, I saw some people, that was nice. I got some cool gifts... ehhhhhhhh didn't do too much.

And this is why Winter Break is quite possibly the worst.

There you have it!  Sadly, the unavoidable holiday flu just missed the list...most of you are probably suffering from some form of it. So keep chugging that OJ, friends. Other honorable mentions include: 24/7 Christmas music and the family pet's hair on EVERYTHING. But please don't get me wrong, the holidays are really actually the best. Food, friends, family, fun, and all the other words that start with 'f' fill the holiday season and make it great.

If I keep this up, I'll have to start posting exclusively on Craigslist's "Rants and Raves" section.

Also, getting books for Christmas is the worst. This kid knows what I'm talking about. (I sure hope you all have seen this already... stop accomplishing your goals and actually enjoying seeing friends from high school and get back on the internet.)

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