Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Quick Housekeeping

So, I added a page where you can contact me. It's located in the upper right hand corner of the blog, just above my three followers. Its is basically a cool (so blog-trendy) way for you to personally email me...not that most of you can't just facebook or text me, friends. But, humor me! It's function is for you to give me tips, if you stumble upon something fantastic in the news, on the internet, or just in life, that I can turn around and share with a larger audience of five. Or, most of my posts involve me finding a remotely interesting topic and using wikipedia and google to fluff it out. So, if there are things that interest you, that you'd like to know more about, but you are too lazy to research, i'd be delighted to write a post about it!

I mean, sometimes, not everyone wants to read about cats and cheese. I don't quite understand, but that's life?

Additionally, I'd like to thank my five readers (that I know of) for occasionally reading and commenting on this silly time waster! You guys are fantastic!

With that said, if you feel like you have a knack for blogging or would like to get into it, I would be open to making the Mind Medley a collaborative project.

Good luck with finals, work, life... Have an amazing winter break! Drink as much hot chocolate as your body will allow and enjoy the festivities!

P.S. want to send me test emails? Just to make sure that that page actually sends your tips to my email?



  2. You're doing a great job with your blog!!!
