Saturday, November 27, 2010

Old Women Love Dolphins

Being the boring old woman that I am, I have CNN set as my homepage. I thought I'd be getting the type of serious news politicians and stockbrokers eat for breakfast, so that one day I too can become a serious politician or stockbroker.  But I've quickly learned that CNN is like Yahoo with a Harvard degree. It's all just fancy crap! Like the other day, they prefaced a report about a Salvation Army roof caving in with the alarming words "BREAKING NEWS." No one caused the roof to break down, no one was injured. A woman near by heard a sound. SLOW NEWS DAY???? How is that breaking news, let alone news? I'm sure roofs cave in all the time and its no big deal.

But every once in a while, CNN will tell me something really cool. Like dolphins hamming it up in front of mirrors because they are probably smarter than humans. THAT'S NEWS! Forgive me if Yahoo one-uped CNN and already featured this video and you have all seen it. I've been very busy with investments medicare quandary physics global filibuster things.

Reminds me of this! Douglas Adams knew all along!

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