Monday, January 17, 2011

Ha Ha Hilllllarious

One of the only good things about our society obsessed with updating statuses for the internet to see is the hilarious and historical twists that are becoming popular.

Because I'm an idiot & can't figure out how to make this awesomeness easily visible to the normal human here

Monday, January 3, 2011

Buffalo buffalo buffalo...

Did you know that....

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo a grammatically correct sentence in the English language? Yep.

It is because the word 'buffalo' has three meanings and uses: the name of the place Buffalo, New York (used as a noun adjunct in the sentence), the noun for the animal, and the verb which means to bully, confuse, deceive, or intimidate.

If you substitute the noun buffalo for bison and break down the sentence it essentially means:

Buffalo bison whom other Buffalo bison, themselves bully Buffalo bison.